Friday, April 16, 2021

What are the different types of CPAP masks and which one is the best for you?


Studies show that currently, around 22 million Americans are struggling with sleep apnea, and among these cases, 80% fall in the group of moderate to severe undiagnosed OSA or obstructive sleep apnea. Fortunately, nowadays the society is finally recognizing sleep apnea as a life-threatening disease, but there’s a lot to do in addition to recognizing its danger. People should seek treatment procedures, like using an anion oxygen concentrator and one such standard treatment is via a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) mask.



However, studies show that around 83 percent of patients generally don’t comply with their CPAP therapy and a majority of them don’t wear their masks. Why? Because reportedly, some patients aren’t comfortable with the way that their masks fit, or some masks are simply not comfortable to wear for prolonged six hours of sleep. Therefore, it’s important to know about the different types of masks and find the one that will fit you. Below are the three most common types of CPAP masks that doctors recommend to their patients. Look at the pros and cons and find out the one for you!


#1 Nasal Pillows

The CPAP masks nasal pillows are a relatively compact and lightweight option as compared to the other two. Nasal pillows are designed to allow minimal contact with the face, and they work best with low to moderate pressure settings. A physician usually recommends nasal pillows to patients who have a lot of facial hair, who breathe through their nose, who are claustrophobic, or who consistently toss and turn in their sleep. Although nasal pillows have the most number of advantages, the only downside is that patients who require higher pressure would feel inconvenience with nasal pillows.



#2 Nasal CPAP Masks

Nasal CPAP masks deliver a direct airflow to the lungs via the nasal mask, and they work excellently for patients who require high-pressure settings. The mask usually covers the nose of the patients from the bridge to the upper lip area, and they are midway between the lightweight CPAP nasal pillows and bulky full face masks. Physicians usually recommend Nasal CPAP masks to patients:

·         Who prefer a natural airflow

·         Who need high-pressure settings, and

·          Who wants a good selection of mask options to pick from.


#3 Full face CPAP masks

Unlike the nasal pillows or nasal masks that exclusively seal the nose of the patients, the CPAP full face mask is responsible for covering the mouth and nose of the patients. They create a better seal by covering a larger area of the patient’s face. Although the masks are a bit uncomfortable, they are perfect for patients who need high pressure while breathing through their mouth. Physicians usually recommend full face masks if the patient has to breathe primarily through his mouth, sleep on his back, requires a high-pressure CPAP setting, or has underlying medical issues that make breathing through the nose difficult for them.


Gathering facts and going through CPAP education is important to be proactive in therapy. So, better find out your chances and opportunity windows to recover fast from disease as dangerous as sleep apnea by choosing the best treatment procedure.

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

A brief guide into the world of CPAP therapy and its assistive procedures


As medical science progresses with the speed of light, people are generally becoming more conscious about their physical well-being. Undoubtedly the number of diseases and disorders has significantly risen, but the treatment procedures also have advanced, contributing to the welfare of a vast majority of people.
Ranging from dermatological and obstetrical issues to cardiovascular and respiratory problems, there is a cure for everything nowadays, and so is sleep apnea. CPAP is an emerging process in the hype for treating one of the most specific yet disastrous disorders of our day-to-day lives. Let’s have a look at what the procedure has to offer! 
What is CPAP?
The CPAP or the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy is a machine that helps individuals having obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). It makes breathing easy during sleep by increasing the air pressure in their throat so that the airway doesn’t collapse when someone breathes in.
A CPAP machine consists of a mask covering your nose and mouth, prongs that fit in the nose, or an NCPAP (Nasal Continuous Positive Air Pressure) mask. Most people seek it as it is better than the other non-surgical methods treating OSA, decreasing daytime sleepiness. Studies also show that people with CAD can use CPAP to lower the risk of heart problems like heart failure. 
In a world where CPAP has gained so much name and fame in the health sector, let’s talk about CPAP sterilization techniques that assist CPAP. 
CPAP Sterilization
Research says that almost 70% of germs enter our body through our nasal or oral passage. As CPAP is mainly a procedure involving the nasal or oral terms, sterilization is essential to prevent the contamination of germs into the human body. The sterilization process can eliminate up to 99% of germs like bacteria, viruses, and molds, without introducing the moisture that can be the breeding ground for germs. Besides oil, sweat and dead skin cells accumulate in the CPAP with every use. So a CPAP cleaner disinfector is required to lean your CPAP machine from all the above-mentioned gross factors.  
Anion oxygen machine
This is included in the Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy. People suffering from an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases generally go for an anion oxygen machine. After 30 minutes of anion intake, their lungs inhale 20% more oxygen and exhale 14.5% more carbon dioxide. The procedure significantly reduces blood pressure, facilitated dilation of capillary vessels, and improves cardiac muscle function.
Just like any other treatment, CPAP therapy is a bit uncomfortable at first. However, you get the hang of it usually. To make yourself comfortable, test out your CPAP machine for short periods and refrain from huge adjustments to your CPAP machine. Make sure to use CPAP every night and for every nap, and you will see a hike in your chances of getting better soon. 

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  Inline bacteria viral filters are an excellent pick for you if you are prone to allergies, suffering from lung diseases, or have sleep apn...